Thursday, December 13, 2007

Custom Build Number In Team Build

Many users want to modify the default build number of Team System Team Build which looks like: <Build-Type-Name>_<Date>.XXX.

You can change it by writing a custom task and call it in the BuildNumberOverrideTarget target of the MSBuild file. In this example the task will generate a unique build number based on current time:

using System;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;

namespace MaorDavidBlog.Samples.MSBuild
public class BuildNameGenerator:Task

private string _buildName;

public override bool Execute()

_buildName = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString();
return true;

public string BuildName

get { return _buildName; }


The attribute “Output” indicates that BuildName property is output of the custom task.

Then, register the task in TFSBuild.proj file.

<!-- Add using task line just after import statement - - >

<! -- Override the target towards the end of proj file - - >
<Target Name = "BuildNumberOverrideTarget" >
<Output TaskParameter="BuildName"


Next time you'll execute your build, you'll see your custom build name.

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