Monday, October 1, 2007

Query types using LINQ

It's great. It's so beautiful. I really like it.

Reflecting types using LINQ.

How can we do it?

We can use Reflection of course, but with LINQ it shortest and simplest.

Declare "Type" object , assign the class you want to query and query with LINQ.

Example 1:

To get all methods of a class:

   1:  Type tPerson = typeof(Person);
   2:  var methods = from method in tPerson.GetMethods()
   3:                select method;
   5:  Console.WriteLine("All methods:");
   6:  foreach (var m in methods)
   7:  {
   8:      Console.WriteLine(m.Name);
   9:  }


Example 2:

To get all methods that returns "int", use the "where' clause:

   1:  var ints = from method in tPerson.GetMethods()
   2:                where method.ReturnType == typeof(int)
   3:                select method;
   5:  Console.WriteLine("All methods that returns int:");
   6:  foreach (var intType in ints)
   7:  {
   8:      Console.WriteLine(intType.Name);
   9:  }

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